Conquer Your Clutter

Professional Organizing Blog


A Single Mom’s Journey to an Organized Home

In the whirlwind of life, sometimes our surroundings can reflect the chaos we feel within.

For Emily*, a single mom with 5 kids, getting back on her feet was a real uphill battle. (*not her real name)

After 2 months in her new apartment, she was drowning in a sea of boxes, unable to even sleep in her own bedroom.

Clothes covered her bed, and every corner screamed of disarray. Stuff was everywhere.

But despite the clutter, there was a glimmer of hope—a chance to turn things around with just a little help.

Everyone needs a hand sometimes. 

As we stepped into her home, Emily met us warmth and determination to make a change.

She shared her story along with how she was ready to take the first steps toward reclaiming her space.

This was a fresh start, and it needed to feel like peace!

First stop? Her closet that was piled full of boxes and forgotten things.

Step 1? SORT

We dove into the task together, sorting through clothes, shoes, and linens with a newfound purpose.

With each decision she made, Emily felt in control again, feeling more confident one item at a time.

“This [mess] was my addiction,” she confessed as we worked side by side.

“I would just keep everything for no reason . . . I’ve been sober for 2 years. I just needed help getting started.

Thank you!”

She showed courage. 

Her words are a testament to the courage it takes to face our demons . . . and seek help.

Soon, bins were stacked neatly, labels affixed with care, and her closet became a haven of organization.

She no longer needs to hide overwhelming mess!

Her closet now holds her clothes, her youngest daughter’s wardrobe, and all the linens for their home.


Every item has a place, and every shelf told a story of triumph over disarray.

2 months after our organizing sessions  .  .  .

We checked in with Emily 2 months after our organizing sessions.

Not only has she been able to maintain the spaces we worked on, she’s making her way through the whole house!

She used Spring Break to tackle most of the rest of the house with the help of her kids.
AND NEXT, she has her sights set on sorting through the last of her items – a storage unit she’s pretty sure she can empty!

She was on her way to rebuilding her life, one organized space at a time.

While Emily still had challenges ahead, she now had the tools and the confidence to tackle them head-on.

The biggest takeaway?

To all those struggling with clutter, you’re not alone.

Sometimes, all it takes is a helping hand to turn things around.

Whether it’s a friend.
Or a family member.

Or if you ask us to join you for a few hours . . . you can feel more confident in your home.

As this brave mom showed us, the 1st step is often the hardest, but the rewards are great.

Here’s to finding peace amidst the chaos and reclaiming our spaces, one bin at a time. ❤

Watch this quick video to see Emily’s transformation:

At Joyful Spaces, we provide low-stress organizing sessions in Colorado Springs to help you conquer your clutter, and transform your space to make it creatively efficient, so you can get back to what you actually love!

We know that you want to be an organized person who has it all together.
In order to do that, you need less stress from mess.

The problem is — you're surrounded by clutter, which makes you feel overwhelmed. We believe that getting your space organized shouldn't be so hard.

You shouldn't have to do it alone either!

April 19, 2024

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