Conquer Your Clutter

Professional Organizing Blog


Colorado Springs Service Project – Roundup

Joyful Spaces teamed up with another Colorado Springs professional organizing company, The Organized Flamingo, to help out a local nonprofit: Roundup Fellowship!

Helping a Great Community Organization

Meet Roundup Fellowship – a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a genuine community alternative to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Through their homes and community-based programs, they help adults and kids with disabilities become as productive and independent as possible.

We love their mission!

What a Fun Collaborative Opportunity

We helped Roundup Fellowship organize one of their family homes for kids.

Staff keep the home stocked, organized, and functional – but frankly, life can get busy.

The space needed cohesive systems and a more efficient layout to make daily life easier.
We were eager to jump in!


Roundup Fellowship asked for help with organizing their commonly-used spaces including their pantry, hygiene closets, medication area, and storage room.

This was the perfect opportunity to collaborate with another organizing company to do a big home makeover!

Everyone Needs Organized Systems

We often talk about the need for organization systems to simplify daily life. This important community organization needed them just like we do in our homes.

Roundup Fellowship wanted to transform their easily-cluttered common spaces with organized systems.

Roundup shared their needs with us to improve daily productivity:

  1. An easy way to restock the pantry and storage spaces,
  2. To spend less time searching for missing things, and
  3. A clear “home” for every item.

The problem was — the space needed some re-imagined efficiency.

Boxes of clothes, jumbled food categories, and crowded hygiene closets all needed sorting.

Because of this, Roundup staff had to spend more energy managing storage areas and searching for items. Everyone craved a better way.

The result was a huge makeover!

Roundup Fellowship can now reap the benefits and realize its vision of creating a welcoming, functional home for the enjoyment of both the staff members and the kids.

Let’s see how we did it below!

Freshly organized pantry!

The Power of Organization Systems

Solid organization systems are a truly a necessity to create a space that is EASY to maintain! We implemented the following systems to set a foundation that Roundup Fellowship can build upon.

How did we do it?

1. Decluttering

This is the first step of organizing!

(For a more detailed breakdown of how we tackle all spaces, you can view our 3 Easy Steps here.)

We cleared out items that are no longer needed or expired.

This prevents wasting time organizing items we don’t need to keep. We ended up with a nice amount of items that could be donated for someone else to use.

It also helped us understand how much space was actually available for our new systems.

2. Made certain items more accessible

Daily Hygiene Bins:

We used clear, open caddies to contain daily hygiene items.

Each child also has a designated shelf for their items. Labeling both the containers and shelf with each child’s name created a clear, organized system.

Back Stock Supplies Area:

We created a separate back stock space to hold extra items like tissues, wipes, gloves, and soap for future use at the top of the cleaning closet.

This leaves just one of these essentials on an easy-access shelf.

It’s easier to keep a small amount of supplies organized. And you can find what you need much quicker if you’re not rifling through a shelf full of duplicate products.

Pantry Categories:

Pantry bins now contain separate categories of food items such as breakfast, dinner, and snacks.

These extra deep and extra wide shelves were hard to keep categorized. Bins make it easy to keep like-items together and super easy to restock.

3. Flexible storage

You never know when kids are going to hit a growth spurt and need the next size up!

We sorted through clothes and put different sizes into labeled bins. Now the transition will be seamless as kids change sizes.

Additional personal care items were categorized for each child on their own standing rack.

Separating these items is important to the staff members so it is easy to see when each child is running low on items that need to be reordered.

See all of the Before & After Photos on our Facebook page!

Meet the Colorado Springs Professional Organizing Collaborators

Pictured above from left to right: Meghan (Owner of Joyful Spaces), Emma (JS Organizer), Stephanie (Owner of The Organized Flamingo), Carrie (JS Organizer), Tamiko (JS Organizer), Jessica (JS Organizer).

Special thanks to The Organized Flamingo for joining our team on this project!

We really appreciate this opportunity to give back to the community with you.

Thank you, Roundup Fellowship for this amazing transformation!

This was our second collaborative project with other professional organizing companies, and certainly not the last!

Read about our first project was an amazing transformation with TESSA.

We truly appreciate the supportive and giving nature of our Colorado Springs community!

Wish you could have helped too? You still can!

Roundup Fellowship has many volunteer and giving opportunities:

  • Holiday donations
  • handyman work
  • in-kind donations
  • quality time with residents, and more!

Their website has more information on their services and donation opportunities:

At Joyful Spaces, we provide low-stress organizing sessions in Colorado Springs to help you conquer your clutter, and transform your space to make it creatively efficient, so you can get back to what you actually love!

We know that you want to be an organized person who has it all together.
In order to do that, you need less stress from mess.

The problem is — you're surrounded by clutter, which makes you feel overwhelmed. We believe that getting your space organized shouldn't be so hard.

You shouldn't have to do it alone either!

December 28, 2023

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