Conquer Your Clutter

Professional Organizing Blog

Sponsor A Space

Oh, Garage – “The Catch-All” Space

The poor garage — one area that often bears the brunt of accumulating clutter for all things miscellaneous.

All of that empty space becomes an easy (and convenient!) target to place our belongings that don’t otherwise have a “home” . . . in our home.

A Much-Needed Project!

Our latest Sponsor A Space project brought us to the garage of a mom who was once very organized. Many of us are very organized until something happens, right?

A health setback threw this mom off balance — literally and figuratively.

Life is a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. Physical health issues can easily disrupt the harmony in our living spaces.

Let’s explore the personal connection between an organized garage, and meet the relief it can bring to stress and overwhelm.

This mom is truly an inspiration — fighting for recovery in her own mobility and working hard to clear house clutter.

Just check out these Before & After Photos!

The Weight of Clutter

“It affects me so much. It weighs on my mental and physical health. […]
I didn’t used to be like this. I was very organized. My house never looked like this.”

— Confidential Client

These words feel familiar, don’t they?
Much like many of us who have faced challenges in maintaining an organized home.

A messy garage is more than just a collection of misplaced items. 

Clutter becomes a visual representation of the personal challenges we face.

When physical limitations arise and affect our daily routines, the organizational systems that once worked may no longer be functional. It’s time to find new ones that work now.

Mindfully Managing the Mess

The first step to managing mess is to acknowledge the need for change . . . and to ask for help to make that change happen.

That’s where Sponsor A Space comes in!

Sponsor A Space provides at-risk neighbors in Colorado Springs with community-sponsored, professional organizing support.

We partner with social service agencies to identify needs-based candidates to help them overcome an overwhelming season in their lives.

Sponsor A Space helps:

  • Create safe living spaces
  • Increase independence
  • Improve mental peace

Optimizing a Space for Organization & Safety

With 3 professional organizers on deck, we were able to help this mom reclaim her garage space in less than one day!

We created a plan for storage efficiency and cost-effectiveness:

  1. Decluttered damaged goods and items that were no longer needed.
  2. Organized items by category into clear storage bins.
  3. Arranged items so that most frequently-used items were easiest to reach.
  4. Utilized existing shelving to stack bins + maximize vertical space.

“We’re so excited. My son can’t wait to get to his things in the garage.
I know the freezer works. I would love to use that to store food and save us money.”

— Confidential Client

As the clutter clears, delight and anticipation fill the air.

We even found forgotten items and important papers!
Reclaiming this space gave the client an incredible sense of accomplishment.

The client really wanted to make enough space to be able to park their car in the garage through the winter so they wouldn’t risk slipping and falling on ice.

We weren’t quite sure if we could make that happen when we started.

We’re so pleased that we not only created a safer space in the garage, but we were able to create a cleaner, safer garage for this client AND make space for a car to reduce their risk of falling on snowy days.

A functional garage not only provides storage, but relieves anxiety, and saves people money!

A Fresh Start with Organization

“I’m already starting to feel better. I cannot wait. Never again will my house look like this.”
— Confidential Client

This client is at a turning point in their life.

Having the help of Sponsor A Space to transform this garage just as they’re regaining their mobility was incredibly valuable. It’s a fresh start to jumpstart this new season and reflects the strength and determination of this client to overcome life’s challenges.

We are rooting for her, and honored that we could help her the best way we know how.

Clearing clutter and adding functional, organization systems makes daily life easier, relieves stress, and removes barriers holding back their life.

Our projects are not just about making a pretty space.

Our projects change lives.

If you want to play a part in helping at-risk neighbors in Colorado Springs, learn more at

At Joyful Spaces, we provide low-stress organizing sessions in Colorado Springs to help you conquer your clutter, and transform your space to make it creatively efficient, so you can get back to what you actually love!

We know that you want to be an organized person who has it all together.
In order to do that, you need less stress from mess.

The problem is — you're surrounded by clutter, which makes you feel overwhelmed. We believe that getting your space organized shouldn't be so hard.

You shouldn't have to do it alone either!

December 29, 2023

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